About Us

The Noble Cigar Box Guitar Project is a collaboration between Hum & Strum and Noble Neighbors.

We are a group that has come together because of our interest in sharing music. Most of us are members of Hum & Strum (a program with the Cleveland Heights Senior Center) or Noble Neighbors. Some of us are active in both. Though this group is new, as individuals we have been active in community activities with Noble Neighbors and outreach programs to schools and other senior groups.

The project is partially funded by the FutureHeights Neighborhood Mini-Grant program and by The Jennifer Fund.

Volunteer leaders  for the Noble Cigar Box Guitar Project are

Don McBride has a lifetime of designing, building and teaching technical theater and enjoys teaching people how to build things. He is a long-time Noble area resident, member of Hum & Strum, Noble Neighbors and, as a member of the Cleveland Amateur Boatbuilding and Boating Society is working with the Boatbuilding Club of the Davis Aviation and Maritime High School.

Willie Johnston is a long-time Noble area resident, musician, member of Hum & Strum, and Noble Neighbors whose children have also attended Heights schools.

Melissa Richmond, a member of Hum & Strum, is an artist and musician who is excited about this project.

Dick Hoffman is a musician and member of Hum & Strum. he is a retired IT Support manager and an over 50 year resident of Cleveland Heights with an interest in promoting arts in our schools.

Bob Villhauer is a long time musician and member of Hum & Strum

Marsha Werman is a member of Hum & Strum, and is a retired IT application developer.  She is an amateur musician and woodworker.  

 Ron Werman is a member of Hum & Strum, and a retired math teacher. He doubles as our official photographer.